National screening programs can detect:

Breast Cancer  - Women over 40 can have a free mammogram every 2 years.

 Breastscreen actively invite women aged 50 to 74 to screen every 2 years.

For more information go to If you have any concerns please discuss with your GP

Bowel cancer - The program is for people aged 50 to 74 years because this group of the Australian population is at highest risk of bowel cancer. Bowel screening is recommended every 2 years from age 50.  For more information go to

If you have any concerns please discuss with your GP

Cervical cancer - Cervical screening is a straightforward test performed by your doctor. It checks for the presence of HPV – a virus that can cause cervical cancer. Cervical screening does not check for, or prevent, other cancers such as ovarian or endometrial cancer. You are eligible for the test if you:

  • are aged between 25 and 74
  • have ever been sexually active

For more information go to

If you have any concerns please discuss with your GP

If you have any other health concerns please see your GP for assessment and tests .

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