About Us

Wyndham Health Care offers our patients a variety of services and facilities to assist with their medical treatment. We strive to provide optimum treatment for all patients in a traditional family manner and place great importance on health promotion and disease prevention.

Wyndham Health Care is a large purpose built general practice located in Werribee in a very busy shopping precinct. A number of Allied Health staff support our doctors in treatment of patients as well as nursing staff.  We have been providing services to the Wyndham community for the past 20 years, growing from 4 doctors to 22 over that time.

We are continually looking for ways to improve our clinic by listening to our patients. We have put on more doctors to reduce waiting times and have recruited allied health specialists for patient convenience.

Cultural Awareness

Wyndham Health Care identifies cultural groups within our practice including non English speaking background, religious groups and those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.  We endeavor to continue to develop any strategies to meet specific needs.  If you would like to know more about our Interpreter service please click 'HERE'.

Privacy Policy

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of practice to maintain security health information at all times and ensure this information is only available to authorized members of staff and to comply with the Privacy Act. Medical information will only be accessed by a third party with your authorization only. To transfer medical records please see reception.

This practice adheres to principles of the RACGP handbook for the management of health information in private practice and written policy, which is available to all patients to inspect.

Social Media PolicyCLICK HERE

Patient Feedback

If you have any feedback, suggestions or complaints regarding your experience at our Clinic, please feel free to talk with your treatment physician, a member of our reception team, or the practice manager, or simply 'Contact Us'.

If you have a problem we would like to hear about it.  We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously and will respond to any complaint withing 48 hours.

Or you can make a complaint by clicking www.medicalboard.gov.au


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